Category Archives: Prague

Prague Day 8

Before returning home a couple of images of things British found in Prague. This wonderful statue of Churchill…

and a large shopping mall very close to our hotel but which we did not discover until the last day. A large Tesco over two floors – there are supervisors who get about here on roller blades. Also an M&S and Next. And shops we have lost like C&A are still there in Prague.

Prague Day 7

During my stay here I have been reading The Castle by Franz Kafka. This simple monument to Kafka, and his parents is in the jewish cemetary.
Ivy grows over and between most graves. Since the holocaust very few new graves have been erected in this particular cemetary.

Prague Day 5

A dancing building.
Some of the best art is to be found for free in a cemetary in Prague remembering notable people from the the inter war years – it has no politicians or military. Most public art you must pay for in Prague.

Prague Day 4

The jazz band we saw most mornings.
The statue of Wenceslas in Wenceslas Square, now a place of casinos and clothes shops and cafes, rather than political rallies or large ceremonial displays.

Prague Day 3

McDonalds next to the Museum of Communism.
Crowds watching the clock chime in the Old Town Square. The crowds grow as each hour approaches in a way that is more spectacular than the clock itself. So many cameras centred on the clock at the same time as the twelve apostles move round and the bell chimes.