2 days to go

Tent in Garden
Having finished my course with the OU, I plan to set off on a pilgrimage from Winchester to Canterbury along the Pilgrim Way. This journey will start on Friday, the 13th of October and, if all goes well, end on Thursday, the 26th of October. I have work that evening so need to be back.

Today, I bought a Bobcat 1-person tent from Millets for the sum of £64. This seemed good value. I erected the tent in my garden in order to test it out and will try sleeping out this evening. I intend to alternate between camping and staying in inexpensive hotels or hostels.

My main concern is whether my legs will be able to withstand the daily average of a 10 mile walk. So, something going wrong could cut short the pilgrimage walk and force me to bus instead, or return home.

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